
How to pump up your franchise using the spinner method
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When I develop a franchise, my goal is to create a working mechanism that will continue to operate even after the project is completed. The success of the franchise, whether it becomes a market phenomenon or is limited to one or two openings and fizzles out, depends on the system that is put in place during the development phase. In this article, I will share my insights on how to effectively "spin up" your franchise.

Franchise development is based on three key components: Sales, Opening, and Support. The partner purchases the franchise during the sales stage, goes through the opening process, receives ongoing support, and after the payback period returns to the beginning of the cycle.

An effective franchise with well-functioning processes creates a cyclical movement through these stages, leading to an expanding network of locations and increased profits for all participants.

This cyclical nature and the presence of three interconnected components have led me to compare the process to a spinner. Just like a spinner toy that rotates between the thumb and forefinger, the franchise development method consists of three elements: Sales, Opening, and Support. The franchising team is comprised of three corresponding departments that collaborate and pass the baton to each other as they drive the opening of each new location and the expansion of the network as a whole.

The franchise should be in constant motion, with new locations continuously emerging and the network growing. If stagnation occurs and the network plateaus, it's likely that something is broken within the system.

A franchise should make a splash in the market and shake up the industry. Who would need a triangular plastic toy if it hadn't become ubiquitous through the hype? Now it's a permanent fixture on the market, like the yo-yo or the Rubik's Cube. If a franchise doesn't start to expand widely, it raises doubts and questions. For example, today you can find a "DoubleB" coffee shop on every corner in central Moscow. A potential partner of this coffee brand, considering buying a franchise, might think, "Surely all these partners can't be wrong!"
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What each component of the system consists of:

Franchise Sales: The franchise sales process involves selecting and recruiting partners for the network. Naturally, to choose the best, you need to have a larger pool of candidates to select from. The key to success is generating a large number of applications and screening them through a franchisee selection and evaluation system.

Opening: This is the most structured phase of operations. The main task of the team is to open the new location on time. Any delays or procrastination lead to losses for the partner and additional costs for the franchise itself. The opening department should be the most organized and punctual unit in the company.

Support: "What is the task of the support department?" I ask during a training session. And the usual list of answers includes: generating profit for the partner and the founder, selling goods, helping the partner solve problems, etc. And, of course, there is some truth in each of these answers. But they all don't sound like specific tasks, as they lack specificity and time constraints.

The primary goal of franchise support is to help the partner reach profitability within the stated timeframe and open a second location with them.

In this way, our spinner completes a full rotation and starts moving again, constantly expanding the network and generating profit.

This is why I put together a typical franchisee buyer's journey roadmap. I've compiled the 25 key steps to becoming a successful franchisee. This is the path you are most likely to follow if you decide to purchase a franchise.